Top free photo storage online

Why I need online photo storage This article about: top free photo storage online solutions, you may think: how it is connected with photography. All the photographers make a lot of photos on trips, festivals, concerts, weddings… So where we can upload our files to share with people we need: clients, family, or store files

How to create timelapse

dslr program jog

How to create timelapse video from images using DSLR What is to create timelapse photography? It is making movies from sequence images. If you decided to create time-lapse you will need: Digital camera DSLR Tripod Camera timer remote controller – intervalometer Timelapse photography tips First, choose the place, choose the time, pre-think how long your

Sunglass instead photo filter


Photo filter Everybody has used a photo filter and knows what difference it does to your shot, but what can you do if you left them at home? Sunglass instead photo filter effect idea My story starts when I was visiting my parents I’ve taken only my DSLR camera canon eos 550d plus a kit