How to portrait photography
Portrait photography – This is the basis for photography. Since ancient times, photographers tried to perpetuate the portrayal tape. Portrait photographs have been interpreted as an alternative to oil painting demonstrating that sat regal splendor. Later, the photographer tried to convey the true occupant’s mood and state.
It seems that the portrait is the easiest thing in the world, but careful inspection is easy to see that it is not. So in this article, I will try to convey my thoughts- how to shoot portrait photography.
Light in portrait photography
When you look at artists work and what to watch out for lighting was used
To my mind, the natural light is much better to convey the texture of the skin than a direct flashlight. Natural light portraits look more natural, expressive, and cozier. If you shoot a digital camera on – take the opportunity to raise the ISO instead of using the flash. Use a reflector. It does not have to be any special and expensive reflector. The white paper, newspaper, colleague, or a white shirt with a white wall of a building can perform well in this role. Shadow adds an extra depth of feeling and conveys a certain mood, so it’s worth thinking about them. I think that a balanced composition creates a much better atmosphere and conveys a mood or a flash strike and thus solves the problem of the lack of light. I think that each photographing portrait’s arsenal would be the 50mm f/1.4
lens as a 100mm f/2.8
or 85mm f1.8

Look for the new “angles” in portrait photography
Never assume that what is immediately seen and the best composition. Why do not we all take pictures at eye level? Maybe worth kneel, to the left or right, or even lie down… Let’s say you mention a group of people came closer and photograph them. Never assume that you are the best shot possible to do. Use your imagination, go around the group in a circle. Maybe you took your good situation or facial expression but as a second plan? Usually, there is more than one good composition.
Look for symmetry
Balance and harmony, as compositional elements are justified in many cases. Placing someone between the symmetrical elements, you immediately create several compositions of the picture and there are very few who can disturb the viewer in a composition. If you feel the difference between a portrait where a person fills “the whole frame and with the background of the portrait or the portrait of asymmetric and a portrait of a much more complicated composition where the second plan covers a large part of the image – you begin to understand how to balance the composition of the competing elements occupy their proper place frame.

Try to reduce stress in portrait photography
Talk to someone. Talk more about him than about himself. Digit means we can shoot as much as one wants. When a person begins to relax, start shooting “really.” Show the best man and the most interesting shots.
There are several ways to hide facial imperfections. Suppose a long nose, don’t shoot from the profile, a double chin can be hidden when shooting over the top of asking someone to glance up. Only when a person feels relaxed and comfortable – the portraits will be good and never do not expect a good result, if you are shooting a person who feels like sitting on the nest.
Experiment with aperture
Aperture from f/1.4 to f / 4 may well wash out the second plan, or elements in a person and help direct the viewer’s gaze to where we want. Best suited for telephoto lenses.
Completely filling outshot the man you avoid distracting bright second plan or require a lot of attention to the elements of the environment. Use the lenses from 80 to 400mm, as approaching with any lens less than 45mm distort the human face… Well unless this is exactly what you are seeking. Ask the person to sit still and follow only the eyes of the lens when you move a little to the side. Remember that the eyes are the main element of portrait photography and it should always be bright. If you take a picture with blurred eyes, then the answer so why do you have to be very clear.
Avoid distracting colors and shapes
One of the biggest mistakes is to focus entirely on the subject was, and not to monitor the environment. In the first row, find the right plan for a second and then place the person in it as you need it. Try to avoid direct humans in the poles, wires, or trees. The head of the growing columns of portraits will never be good.
Try different types of portrait photography techniques
When you take a person not limit one type of portrait. Try actually do, fill the frame and then try to insert a bit of the second plan, and finally to take a full-length.

Learn how to operate your camera
When taking a picture, change camera settings quickly and knowing what you’re doing, it will help the object stay more relaxed. It does not feel like posing for anything until you do one after the other bad shots. Without allocating too much attention to the camera settings you will be able to focus on the composition and quality of the frame.
Ask yourself: what it is you want to show?
Be confident and know well what you want to show in every portrait photography shot. After you have selected the correct settings, the next step is a composition. Poorly composed shots are only suitable for deleting. Poorly -knit frame with perfectly caught the mood … these are sometimes worth leaving, but whether is it appropriate to make a perfect shot composition? When you look through the camera eyepiece, perfectly know what you want to show and see the items you leave the frame, and the look of the frame does not have to be. Not always have to be portraits of brilliant colors or friendly facial expressions, but always try to take a picture- story-telling portrait.
Check my tips series: How to retouch portrait step by step